Memorial Gift
Thank you for considering a donation to Family Enterprise USA.
Your support is instrumental in helping us achieve our mission and make a positive impact. To facilitate your contribution, we have established a Memorial Gift option to streamline the process and provide you with a convenient way to manage your charitable giving.
Step #1. Funds can be sent by check or direct deposit instructions below:
- If Paying by Check, please mail to:
712 H Street NE, Suite 1330
Washington DC 20002 - If you would prefer a Direct Deposit via your bank:
Account number: 9719238694
California account terms and conditions apply
For Direct Deposit use
Routing Number (RTN): 121042882
For Wire Transfers use
Routing Number (RTN): 121000248
Step #2. Receipt and Thank You Letter:
To ensure that you receive proper acknowledgment for your generous memorial gift, please complete the form below.
- Include Your Contact Information: Make sure your contact information is correct including the name of the loved one (leave the field blank if you wish the gift to be anonymous).
- Verify Donation Details: Double-check the details of your donation including the amount. This ensures accuracy in our records.
- Receipt and Acknowledgment: Once we receive notification of your memorial gift, we will promptly send you an official acknowledgment and tax receipt. This documentation will confirm the tax-deductible status of your donation.
“(Required)” indicates required fields
Use The Form Below to Donate via a Memorial Gift
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Contact Us:
If you have any questions or require assistance in the donation process, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated team . We are grateful for your support and are here to ensure your giving experience is seamless.
Your Impact:
Your generosity plays a vital role in helping us achieve our mission and make a positive impact. Thank you for making a difference through your support of Family Enterprise USA.
We sincerely appreciate your commitment to our mission and look forward to the positive impact we can achieve together.