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Donate Prototype - Pat Soldano

Join Family Enterprise USA Today

We have multiple membership options, each an easy choice no matter where you stand. Your ongoing dependability and support allows us to continue working to sustain family business in America.

Join today to become part of our community and know you’ve made a difference in supporting family businesses!!!

Special 2020 Basic Membership; $100

Access is important, contributing is critical to the long term success of Family Businesses across America.  We want everyone to have a voice, to learn and become knowledgeable so we can collectively make an impact.

  • Regular email updates and communications about issues important to family businesses
  • Participation & Results access to/in annual family business survey
  • Be on the front lines of the fight for family businesses

Become an FEUSA Member – Join using the form on this page

Associate Member; $500

Everything from Membership Levels above, plus everything below.  Access is important, contributing is critical to the long term success of Family Businesses across America.  We want everyone to have a voice, to learn and become knowledgable so we can collectively make an impact.

  • Regular email updates and communications about issues important to family businesses
  • Participate in annual family business survey
  • Insights or timely observations from Senators and House Representatives
  • Access to influcencers & experts, such as Frank Luntz, via online special events
  • Access to exclusive member’s only video, podcasts, and data

Become an Associate Member – Join using the form on this page

Enterprise Member; $2,500

Our most popular membership level.

Everything from Membership Levels above, plus everything below.  Access is important, contributing is critical to the long term success of Family Businesses across America.  We want everyone to have a voice, to learn and become knowledgeable so we can collectively make an impact.

  • Attendance to FEUSA Members legislative update phone calls
  • Attendance to FEUSA Members meeting in DC
  • Regular email updates and communications on issues important to family businesses
  • Participation in annual family business survey

Become an Enterprise Member – Join using the form on this page

Strategic Member; $5,000

Everything from Membership Levels above, plus everything below. Access is important, contributing is critical to the long term success of Family Businesses across America.  We want everyone to have a voice, to learn and become knowledgeable so we can collectively make an impact.

  • Opportunities to join meetings and ask question with Senators and House Representatives
  • Attendance to FEUSA Members legislative update phone calls
  • Attendance to FEUSA Members meeting in DC with Board members
  • Regular email updates and communications on issues important to family businesses
  • Participation in annual family business survey

Become a Strategic Member – Join using the form on this page

Chairman’s Circle; $10,000

You get it all!!!

Everything from all other Membership Levels, plus everything below.  Your voice is important, let it be heard.  Support us in educating and informing Washington about the realities of Family Business.

  • Help to set strategy for the FEUSA organization
  • Meetings with Leadership Members of Congress and Executive Branch Leadership
  • Attendance to FEUSA Members legislative update phone calls with DC support team
  • Attendance to FEUSA Members meetings in DC
  • Regular email updates on status of issues important to family businesses
  • Participation in annual family business survey

Join the Chairmans Circle – Join using the form on this page.

  • Use The Form Below to Join Family Enterprise USA!!!

  • How did you hear about FEUSA?Search EngineFacebook post/groupTwitter postInstagram post/storyLinkedinyouTubeOther social mediaEmailRadioTVNewspaperWord of mouthOther
  • $0.00

  • American Express




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Family Enterprise USA is the organization that represents all family businesses on a national level in DC; it is not unique to any industry. Family Enterprise USA is different from other organizations because it represents and advocates for the families of family businesses and the issues, they face running their businesses every day. Our sole mission and purpose is to promote family businesses and their job growth in America. We also support the work of Family Business Centers across the country. We hope your family will choose to be a member of Family Enterprise USA.