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Join Us for the “Something to do with Philanthropy, Being Philanthropic, More About Philanthropies” webcast!
Date and Time: November 7, 2023 10:00 AM Pacific Time
Duration: 1 hour
In this webcast, we will discuss MORE TO COME.
Topics include: MORE TO COME.
Who Should Attend? This webcast is for anyone who is MORE TO COME.
Thanks to Our Sponsor!
Growing and Protecting Wealth for Generations
Fiduciary Trust is a wealth management firm founded in 1931 by families for families, with a singular focus on growing and protecting your wealth through generations. We work closely with individuals, families and foundations to build and manage personalized investment portfolios, and to develop estate plans that extend wealth to future generations.
Our Keynote Speakers
Abby Axelrod-Wunderman CAP
Philanthropic Director, Vice President Family Office Services, Foundations And Endowments
Abby Axelrod-Wunderman CAP is responsible for providing trusted guidance and customized solutions in philanthropic strategy, planning, and administrative support. She assists nonprofits and families in various areas including board governance and dynamics, rising-gen education, grantmaking, strategic visioning, fundraising and revenue diversification, and high impact-investing. She also serves as Chair of Philanthropy Planning for the firm. Prior to joining Fiduciary Trust International, Abby served as Director of Charitable Giving at the Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties. Prior to that, she started a private family foundation for a top hedge fund manager. She has consulted for various national nonprofits across Florida, South Carolina, and Virginia and remains an active board member of The Daily Drip Foundation and Elite Foundation. She is a frequent philanthropy contributor for The Daily Drip, a Florida-based media company. She earned a First-Class Honors Bachelor of Arts (Summa Cum Laude) from the University of Kent in Canterbury, England, and a master’s degree from Winthrop University in South Carolina. She is also a certified Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP) from the American College of Financial Services.
Bryan D. Kirk
Director Of Estate And Financial Planning And Trust Counsel
Fiduciary Trust International
Bryan D. Kirk is responsible for overseeing financial and estate planning services for Fiduciary Trust. In addition, he regularly consults with clients across the country and internationally on the integration of their goals and circumstances into their financial and estate plans. Bryan has broad experience in multi-generational asset management and transfer planning, including estate, gift, generation-skipping transfer and income tax planning, charitable giving, philanthropy, family education and governance, liability and risk management, real property matters and complex assets, such as private equity and debt. He serves as Chief Fiduciary Officer of Fiduciary Trust International of California and is a member of Fiduciary Trust’s Management and Operating committees. Before joining Fiduciary Trust, he was a partner with Botto Law Group LLP in San Francisco. He earned his law degree from University of California, Berkeley, and graduated, cum laude, from Claremont McKenna College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in literature and government. He is a Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law by The State Bar of California and a full member of the Society of Trusts and Estates Practitioners (STEP) and the Palo Alto Area Bar Association. Bryan is also a Certified Financial Planner™ professional. A sixth-generation Californian, he lives in Palo Alto, California, with his wife and three children.
Patricia M. Soldano
President & Chairman, FEUSA, Founder & President & Chairman, PATG
Patricia M. Soldano has spent over 30 years providing family office services. She developed Cymric Family Office Services into a multi-family office in 1996, and sold to GenSpring Family Offices in January 2009, where she was Managing Director of Western Region for GenSpring for 5 years and then a Family Office Consultant to GenSpring until December of 2017.
Webcast Date and Time:
November 7, 2023 10:00 AM Pacific Time
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