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Join Us for the “Powerful Trust Laws to Combat Future Uncertainties: The Need for Flexibility” webcast!
Date and Time: October 12, 2023 12:00 PM Pacific Time
Duration: 1 hour
In this webcast, we will discuss the powerful trust laws and how they can be used to protect your assets and your family’s future. We will also discuss the different types of trusts available, including third-party trusts and self-settled trusts. Topics to be covered include: The benefits of using a trust, different types of trusts available, how to choose the right trust for your needs, how to set up a trust, how to manage a trust, and how to avoid common trust mistakes.
Who Should Attend? This webcast is for anyone who is interested in protecting their assets and their family’s future. This includes individuals, families, businesses, and professionals.
Thanks to Our Sponsor!
South Dakota Trust Company LLC (SDTC) is a national boutique trust company founded by Al W. King III and Pierce H. McDowell III, and headquartered in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Currently, SDTC has more than $135 billion in assets under administration and $82 billion under agency and currently works with over 115 billionaire and 360 centimillionaire clients who have chosen SDTC as a result of SDTC’s exceptional service, along with South Dakota’s competitive and unique trust, privacy, asset protection, income tax, and private family trust company laws.
Our Keynote Speakers
James Paladino
Managing Director/President of South Dakota Planning Company / Chairman of Management Committee of SDTC Related Companies
Based in New York City, Mr. Paladino is the Chairman of the Management Committee of the SDTC Related Companies and also a Managing Director and President of South Dakota Planning Company in New York City. South Dakota Planning Company (SDPC) is an estate planning and trust advisory/consulting firm for its sister company South Dakota Trust Company LLC. SDPC is responsible for sales, marketing and technical support, as well as, speeches, publications, trust planning and consulting to support South Dakota Trust Company (SDTC).
William Murphy
Mario Signori
Managing Director & Corporate Counsel
South Dakota Planning Company
Patricia M. Soldano
President & Chairman, FEUSA, Founder & President & Chairman, PATG
Patricia M. Soldano has spent over 30 years providing family office services. She developed Cymric Family Office Services into a multi-family office in 1996, and sold to GenSpring Family Offices in January 2009, where she was Managing Director of Western Region for GenSpring for 5 years and then a Family Office Consultant to GenSpring until December of 2017.
Webcast Date and Time:
October 12, 2023 12:00 PM Pacific Time
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